Will Anti-Aging Supplements Work for You?

Antique Store SignLongevity. Anti-Aging. Buzz words of our times for good reason as the workforce extends into the 70s and life beyond age 75. So the question is, will supplements help in your quest to stay as healthy as possible and slow that ticking clock? If you stick around long enough, are you an antique? One of the definitions for antique is "a work of art that has high value because of its considerable age".

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Lutein & Zeaxanthin: Visions of Being Brainy

Dog protecting eyes with sungalssesIt seems these two colorful carotenoids are more than just eye "candy"! Carotenoids are pigments found in fruits and veggies that give them their bright colors. When your parents said carrots were good for your eyes, they were right! Carrots provide quite a bit of these carotenoids, mainly as lutein and zeaxanthin (zee-uh-zan-thin). Lutein and zeaxanthin are renowned for eye health. So what's all this have to do with the brain?

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Nutritional Deficiencies & Disease Risk

Peoole in Pre Diabetes BoxNO sugar coating here...
Someone once told me that you are responsible for what you know. Then who is responsible for what you don’t know? As I researched for the article Pre-Diabetes, Get out of the Box, I found studies dating back to 1976 on the relationship between CoQ10 status and glycemic control. Whoa, say what? Other abstracts pointed out some statin takers went on to develop diabetes. How transparent does the evidence have to be? It’s well known that statins block CoQ10! How many people put on statins were advised of that risk factor, especially since you need CoQ10 for muscle energy? And isn't the heart the most important muscle in your body?

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Pre-Diabetes Diagnosis? Not me!

Pre-diabetes, why should we be concerned? After all, you'll want to read the January Health Points cover article, Pre-Diabetes & CoQ10 and get out of that diagnostic box. You'll also find help for giving up on sugar if a few holiday pounds have found their way to your middle.

You'll also learn about fibromyalgia, pain and the brain from advisor Dr. Michael Smith, new benefits of olive leaf extract, why magnesium is the master mineral and how ginkgo influences fibromyalgia (FM). Think you know everything about FM?  

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Fixing the Fibromyalgia Energy Crunch, Part 1

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a multi-faceted syndrome that appears to require mufti-faceted answers! One important aspect is the "energy crunch", primarily caused by low levels of magnesium. More than 75% of Americans are low in this mineral and deficiency could be a contributing cause of many FM symptoms. The energy cycle depends on magnesium as its chief officer of operations. But there is more to the energy equation, particularly for fibromyalgia.

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