Fixing the Fibromyalgia Energy Crunch, Part 1
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a multi-faceted syndrome that appears to require mufti-faceted answers! One important aspect is the "energy crunch", primarily caused by low levels of magnesium. More than 75% of Americans are low in this mineral and deficiency could be a contributing cause of many FM symptoms. The energy cycle depends on magnesium as its chief officer of operations. But there is more to the energy equation, particularly for fibromyalgia.
Fixing the Fibromyalgia Energy Crunch, Part 2
The link between ATP, mitochondria and pain in fibromyalgia. Dr. M. Cordera has done multiple studies of CoQ10, showing its benefits in helping mitochondrial function for fibromyalgia (FM). His published study study on 20 FM patient s further demonstrates that 300 mg of CoQ10 daily improves several clinical markers in as little as 40 days. Likewise, a second study shows that ATP is low in FM muscles. Since CoQ10 helps with ATP energy, this is double good news for fibromyalgia or anyone with an energy crunch!