GMP Quality
Make it GMP for Me!
Short for Good Manufacturing Practices, GMPs are the guidelines collaborated by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and the Natural Products Association (NPA). The final FDA ruling was June 2007 with full compliance by June 2010, giving the industry time to meet FDA mandates. The FDA is the federal umbrella which supplement regulation falls under. The NPA, founded in 1936, is the nation’s largest and oldest nonprofit organization dedicated to the natural products industry which includes foods, dietary supplements, and health/beauty aids.
Women are the majority of supplement shoppers. Maybe it’s in the genes as most of us recognize a brand name like Kleenex or a designer label like Gucci with a blink of an eye. So it’s no surprise that we look for the trademark ofexcellence – GMP – as the best of the best for our supplements too.
Short for Good Manufacturing Practices, GMPs are the guidelines collaborated by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and the Natural Products Association (NPA). The final FDA ruling was June 2007 with full compliance by June 2010, giving the industry time to meet FDA mandates. The FDA is the federal umbrella which supplement regulation falls under. The NPA, founded in 1936, is the nation’s largest and oldest nonprofit organization dedicated to the natural products industry which includes foods, dietary supplements, and health/beauty aids.