Fibre-Care™ is the Spark of Life!
- low in osteoporosis as early as 1984 in postmenopausal women
- helped control type 2 diabetes symptoms in 1998
- has hundreds of studies to show it reduces heart disease & hypertensive risk
- lowered diabetic risk in an 18 year nurses’ study
- suggested as part of a cancer protocol in in 1994 by renowned magnesium expert of 40 years, Mildred Seelig, M.D.
A Bone Building Kit for Healthy Bones
Do you know your bones reach peak density (bone building) by the
time you are age 30?
The good news is that bone remodeling and repair continue for your entire life. That’s why it is important to supply your body with the nutrients it needs to help your bones stay healthy and strong.
And you will love Fibro-Care Cal™. It’s your "Bone Building Kit in a Bottle”, with highly absorbable minerals and supporting co-nutrients in one amazing formula. Balanced with magnesium, it is also a safe way to supplement your calcium needs.
Will Anti-Aging Supplements Work for You?
Longevity. Anti-Aging. Buzz words of our times for good reason as the workforce extends into the 70s and life beyond age 75. So the question is, will supplements help in your quest to stay as healthy as possible and slow that ticking clock? If you stick around long enough, are you an antique? One of the definitions for antique is "a work of art that has high value because of its considerable age".
Mortality Modified by Magnesium & D3 Status
Does your nutritional status affect mortality? Yes, especially for these two nutrients. Scientists based their query on the n the hypothesis that magnesium -- either alone or by its interactions with vitamin D -- influences vitamin D status. Vitamin D
has previously been shown to decrease the risk of certain diseases,
particularly heart disease and colon Could magnesium affect mortality, too? The scientists looked at U.S. population studies data and came up with a pretty definitive answer for you.
Magnesium a Must for Bone Health
If you're like most people, you believe that calcium plus vitamin D
equals stronger bones, celebrity-wearing milk mustaches of the "got
milk?" ads. Research presented at the annual Pediatric Academic
Societies meeting challenges this notion. According to lead researcher
Professor Steven Abrams of the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, “dietary magnesium intake may be an
important, relatively unrecognized factor in bone mineral accretion".