Pre-diabetes, why should we be concerned? After all, you'll want to read the January Health Points cover article, Pre-Diabetes & CoQ10 and get out of that diagnostic box. You'll also find help for giving up on sugar if a few holiday pounds have found their way to your middle.
You'll also learn about fibromyalgia, pain and the brain from advisor Dr. Michael Smith, new benefits of olive leaf extract, why magnesium is the master mineral and how ginkgo influences fibromyalgia (FM). Think you know everything about FM? Challenge yourself by taking TyH's Fibromyalgia, Final Answer quiz. No worries if you don't know it all since we give you the answers (on the same page but no peeking ahead!)
Since it's that time of year when resolutions abound, be motivated to peruse Chris Widener's 8 Choices You Can Make Today that will change your life forever. These 8 simple steps will get you moving in a positive, forward direction. They're easy and better yet, don't cost you anything to do them!
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What's in a name? Read about the Pre-Diabetes Predicament just added to the TyH Online Health Library. The American Diabetes Association predicts 64% of Americans will be "pre-diabetic" by 2025. You do not have to be one of them!
©TyH Publications (M. Squires). For informational purposes only.