I have often been accused of wearing rose colored glasses, a bit on the optimistic side and borderline on ignoring reality. That's what dreamers do; walk on the sunny side of the street. Maybe it's because hope is a fragile thing and requires constant reminding that everything is going to be all right.
In the real world, it may not be all right. In the real world, if you don't know something, it could hurt you. That's why I am so passionate about knowing all I can about my health and what I can do to change when things need changing. That's why I want to help others do the same. New research, new tests. Newer therapies.
Why hope? I have already lost more than I wanted to, especially for my age. You see, too late a diagnosis of celiac set me up for early osteoporosis. Silently and secretly, my bones disintegrated years before the bone density scan showed the loss. Celiac starved them of the very nutrients they needed to rebuild. My first compression fracture was 2010; the last one April 2015. Like fibromyalgia, no ones sees I'm not as okay as I look. Sometimes you lose without your consent.
Prevention is such a powerful tool when you get the chance to use it! As I finish writing the second part of Healthy Aging and how today people can know so much more, I wonder if you are listening. Does losing the tender points of as part of the diagnostic puzzle for fibromyalgia mean it won't hurt anymore? Will you read Beverly's Story and Bill's Story and see that education can be a life changer? Will new knowledge take us further into the future healthier and younger than ever before? Yes. I believe it can!
Hope. Walk on the sunny side of the street. Anything bad can happen but so can anything good.
"Don't look back; you're not going that way." Marcia Wallace
Dedicated to my Mom, Beverly, 92 this year, who never fails to find a happy thought in every day.
©TyH Publications (M. Squires). All rights reserved. Source: Health Points, Vol 21, Iss 3