A Bone Building Kit for Healthy Bones

Do  you know your bones reach peak density  (bone building)  by the

Jogging Lady

 time you are age 30? 

The good news is that bone remodeling and repair continue for your entire life.  That’s why it is important to supply your body with the nutrients it needs to help your bones stay healthy and strong.

And you will  love Fibro-Care Cal™. It’s  your "Bone Building Kit in a Bottle”, with highly  absorbable minerals and  supporting co-nutrients in one amazing formula. Balanced with magnesium, it is also a safe way to supplement your calcium needs. 

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7-KETO Supports Healthy Weight Efforts

7 Keto ScalesA healthy weight is important as a preventive measure against unhealthy blood sugar, blood cholesterol and other conditions related to obesity. 

The danger of most weight loss diets is losing lean muscle. 

You actually need lean muscle to help you maintain a healthy weight, body function, movement and balance. 7-KETO is safe, won't make you jittery and is backed by research to preserve lean muscle mass and aid metabolism to support your healthy weight efforts. 

If you are older, it is even more important to preserve lean muscle so as to not add to the muscle loss that may occur with aging.
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Alpha Lipoic for Pre-Diabetes

What’s in a number?  A lot when it is your blood sugar level.

There's an increasing number of people being diagnosed with a condition 
Blue Numbers  on Brie Baclgrpimdcalled "pre-diabetes". This medical label indicates that the blood sugar level is above the number established as healthy. 
An elevated number puts you at risk for diabetes, metabolic syndrome and heart disease.  

The simple truth is that blood sugar is a number. No need to let that number and the associated risks stick around. 

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Colostrum for Immunity, Allergies & Fibromyalgia

Although it has sort of a funny name, Colostrum is a nutrient-rich superfood.  Happy Girl Blue Sky

Colostrum contains  important enzymes, proteins, antibodies, immunoglobulins and growth factors. Taken as a supplement, Colostrum has been shown in research studies to support a healthy immune function and so much more.

 If you have fibromyalgia, take note as Mark Pellegrino, M.D. has his fibro patients take Colostrum to help with symptoms. 

In this age of superbugs that seem to defy annihilation, maybe a superfood is exactly what we need to stay healthy! 
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Natural Remedies for Overexertion of Muscles & Joints

People and Activities

Doing a movement or task that is beyond the body’s physical capacity which results in an injury or insult to the musculoskeletal system. This system of bones, cartilage, ligaments, muscles and other connective tissue is responsible for normal body support and movement. 

We've all done it. Weekend warriors. Long hours on the job. Lifting a  heavy object. Even playing with the kids, trying to pretend we're younger and more flexible than we really are. A move gone wrong and the pain that follows reminds us we shouldn't have done that. 

Hopefully, there's no broken bones and you only need a bit of rest to get your mobility and strength back. The optimal way to speed along your recovery  and minimize the pain is by reducing the inflammation caused by the injury. Before you reach for over the counter remedies that may cause GI or tummy irritation, however, consider these natural options and helpful suggestions to help yourself avoid future injury.

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