Dry January -- Are You Alcohol Free?

Glass with lemonHere we are halfway through January and you might say it's dry around here. Not because of the dry Arizona climate but rather a phenomenon simply known as Dry January. People voluntarily giving up alcohol for a month. Why?

About 1 in every 10 people in the United Kingdom (UK) drink according to a recent poll. Every hour one person dies of alcohol related issues. That's why a UK group started Dry January. The group is not anti-alcohol but if the stats for the UK are similar to those in other countries, they hope drinkers will recognize that alcohol is not as harmless as it may seem. In fact, their research shows people who gave up alcohol for a month noted amazing health benefits, even in that short amount of time.
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Birthday Resolutions

This is one of the first years that I did not make any resolutions on January 1st. Not that I tire of doing them, as I feel they set a vision for the coming 12 months. What is that saying by Lewis Carroll? If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. And I certainly like to know where I am going!

I decided -- starting in 2020 -- to pen birthday resolutions instead since my birthday also falls in January (today to be exact). Although losing weight and exercising are two of the top 10 promises people make for the new year, they aren't on my list. Okay, maybe I should exercise more but everybody knows resolutions are not about "should do's" and more about what to get and give in life. My life. Your life.
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