Why YOU Need Alpha Lipoic Acid to Live Well
Posted by Margy Squires on 5/31/2023 to

According to research, taking ALA makes a difference in the health of your heart, liver, blood sugar levels, weight, brain and indirectly on neuropathic pain. So, how long do you want to live healthy?
Could Quercetin Help with Inflammation?
Posted by Margy Squires on 5/11/2023 to
General Health

Decades of dedicated research, studies show quercetin could make a difference in your health. It appears that this colorful pigment found in fruits and veggies has a positive effect on the inflammatory response by its influence as an antioxidant, antiviral and on gut health, too.
Let’s be honest. Not all inflammation is “bad”. During an injury, inflammation is a necessary result of your body’s efforts to foster healing and fight infection However, prolonged inflammation is a threat to every cell everywhere in your body. When inflammation lingers, often so does the pain, long after the injury heals.
What causes inflammation besides bodily injury? Scientist have determined that free radicals are one known mediator. Bad news is free radicals are unavoidable. In fact, day to day body functions – like breathing and digesting food – create free radicals via normal biochemical pathways. There are, however, steps you can take to minimize the damage that free radicals cause. Good news is that quercetin is one of those steps.