One of the most prevalent concerns in taking a daily multi-vitamin-mineral (MVM) is figuring out nutrient totals in combination with food intake. A 2017 review of 15 studies that included pregnant women, healthy adults and the elderly should put your worries to rest. The subjects took a minimum of 9 vitamins and 3 minerals with maximum 100% recommended daily allowance with no adverse effects. The study authors conclude that a "MVM can be safe for long-term use". Source: Nutrition 1/17.
©TyH Publications (M. Squires)
MVM: Nutrients Beyond Food / Building Your Nutritional FoundationCould 10,000 Americans be right on track with an MVM? Yes, say Drs. Jeff Blumberg and Balz Frei, lead authors in an August 2017 published study. Taking data represented by 10,000 adults in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES), they looked at how a multiple-vitamin-mineral (MVM) impacts nutritional status. Their results show the use of a MVM "at any frequency significantly increased nutrient intakes ... as compared to food alone." Additionally, the authors state, "More frequent MVM use was associated with significantly higher nutrient intakes and lower prevalence of nutrient inadequacies, with these effects being more pronounced among regular users compared to sporadic users." Meaning? Take your daily MVM daily!
Why is taking a MVM so important? Let's quote the authors directly as they note, "Micronutrient inadequacies are associated with adverse health effects such as neural tube defects, poor bone health (osteoporosis), impaired immune function, and impaired cognitive function, as well as chronic diseases, such as certain cancers, age-related eye diseases, hypertension, and possibly coronary heart disease and stroke. Low intakes of calcium, potassium, iron, dietary fiber, and vitamin D have been linked in the scientific literature to adverse health outcomes and hence are considered nutrients of public health concern." In other words, disease risk increases when nutrient status is not maintained. Consistent MVM use shows the most drastic benefits.
The study's takeaway is that daily use of a MVM provides enhanced nutrient status even with a good diet, and lowers your risk of disease. So make sure you are taking a quality MVM, one with organic minerals, immune boosters and full B vitamin coverage. Make sure to skip the MVMs with fillers, dyes, and other ingredients that you don't need. Unless you shop seasonally and organic, today's food sources may be lacking in nutrients as they go from pesticide farms only to be stored for year round supermarket sales. A quality MVM makes up the nutrient difference to make the health difference you take supplements for in the first place. Source:
Nutrients 8/17
TyH's Multi-Gold™ is packed with 40 health building nutrients, organic minerals for non-competing bioavailability, and contains a wide range of essential antioxidants, and B vitamins. Go for the Gold!
©TyH Publications (M. Squires)