Why Everybody Needs CoQ10 Every Day

Do you know why everybody needs Coenzyme Q10 every day?  Answer:  To stay alive! 

CoQ10 plays a central role in the metabolism of all cells. The human diet supplies a mere 3-5 mg of CoQ10 a day compared to the estimated 2000 mg within the body Based on how  your body uses up CoQ10, researchers calculate you need about 500 mg a day to function.


The trouble is, although your body does make CoQ10, the amount needed as we age increases for several reasons. One, your body produces less CoQ10. Two, multiple disorders have been found to have mitochondrial dysfunction, thus requiring more CoQ10. Three, prescription drugs (like statins) can interfere with CoQ10 metabolism and lower  CoQ10 levels. One reason can cause a deficit but what if you have all three? 


The peak production of CoQ10 is around age 25 and slowly declines with each passing year. By the age of 65, your body makes only 50% of what it did at age 25.  In order to obtain optimal CoQ10 levels at any point past age 25, you will need to supplement this vital nutrient.  If you have diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart or liver disease, fibromyalgia, neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson's, your need for CoQ10 increases. 


Although the importance of CoQ10 has emerged through decades of research, there is still no daily value assigned to this critically important nutrient. Despite its association to multiple disorders, including rising obesity numbers, no true test has been designed to measure CoQ10 levels. Only recently has CoQ10 been prescribed if taking a statin. 


The short answer is this: once  you educate yourself on how CoQ10 benefits cellular health and function, you’ll know why everyone needs it, including you!


Cell death. Illness. Aging, Inflammation. How does CoQ10 manage  to make a difference?  CoQ10 is also known as “ubiquinone” which means “everywhere” because it is everywhere in your body’s cells and tissues. Although CoQ10 is known to support a healthy heart, it supports the kidney and liver, too.  


CoQ10 "works" inside the cell mitochondria  where it is a cofactor in the production of energy (ATP) required to keep the cell alive. CoQ10 is also an antioxidant that protects the cell from oxidative damage (some that is incurred while making energy). High energy and oxygen consuming organs like the heart, brain, kidneys and muscles are thus vulnerable. Free radicals from oxidative stress can damage  critical cell parts like DNA and the cell membrane that subsequently causes cell death. By quenching free radicals, CoQ10 prolongs cell life and its ability to reproduce which may extend organ life and your ability to repair or replace damaged cells and tissues. 


Disorders relating to low CoQ10 have impaired energy metabolism and protection against free radicals, sometimes referred to as “mitochondrial dysfunction”.  Mitochondria are the energy powerhouses of the cell. Without energy and protection, cells die or are damaged so they can no longer function normally.

Two examples of conditions with mitochondrial dysfunction  are long COVID and fibromyalgia. In the wake of post-COVID, researchers found lung function improved when  ubiquinol (another form of CoQ10) was given to long COVID patients at a dose of 100 mg twice a day. In a study on patients with fibromyalgia, those who were dosed at 100 mg of CoQ10 three times a day had less symptoms, more energy and higher quality of life than those not given CoQ10.  


Even if you don’t have one of the conditions mentioned, your cells require CoQ10 daily which diet cannot supply at 3-5 mg a day. A typical dose for healthy “normals” is 60-100 mg a day .up to the age of 40 and then 100 mg a day.  If you have GI issues which may impact the absorption of this fat soluble nutrient, consider taking Fibro-Ubiquinol™, a form called “reduced” as it needs no further conversion to be used by the body.  


There’s so much CoQ10 can do for you, but we don’t want to overwhelm you with too much  information! ad! You’ll find lots more reads in the Health Library online as you can see by the list below. A good article to start with is What’s in my CoQ10? It explains why CoQ10 is combined with other helpful nutrients that aid its absorption, too. If you still have questions on which CoQ10 to take, email us at [email protected]. 

Shop TyH  CoQ10 now!


Read more about CoQ10 in the TyH Health Library


©TyH Publications (M. Squires). For informational purposes only and not intended to replace the medical advice of your health care professional.